
This Legal Notice aims to inform you about your rights and obligations as a user of this website. Here, you will find all the necessary information about this website, its activity, the personal data it collects and its purpose, as well as the rules governing the use of this website.

When you access this website, you assume the role of user, which means that the content of this Legal Notice directly affects you. Therefore, it is important that you read it to dispel any doubts and fully understand the conditions you are accepting.

To begin with, you should know that this website complies with current data protection regulations to provide you with the guarantees, security, and transparency you are entitled to when using this site.


The owner and person responsible for this website is:

The data you provide to us with your consent and in accordance with our Privacy Policy will be incorporated into an automated file duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, where the file owner is Nickson R. This means your data is secure in accordance with legal requirements.


As a user of our website, you also have a series of obligations:

As the website owner, may interrupt the page’s service if any usage is detected that may be considered contrary to the provisions of this Legal Notice.


The entirety of this website (text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, ordering, and presentation of its content) is protected by the applicable Intellectual and Industrial Property laws. The reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation of the content are prohibited except for personal and private use.

As the website owner, Nickson R does not guarantee the accuracy or error-free nature of the content or that the free use of the same by users will not infringe third-party rights. The good or bad use of this page and its contents is the user’s responsibility.

Likewise, the reproduction, retransmission, copying, transfer, or redistribution, in whole or in part, of the information contained on the website, regardless of its purpose and the means used, is prohibited without prior authorization from Nickson R.

This website includes links to third-party websites. These pages have not been reviewed or are not subject to controls by us, so Nickson R cannot be held responsible for the content of these websites or the measures taken regarding privacy or data protection policies.

For this reason, we recommend that you carefully read the terms of use, privacy policies, legal notices, and similar of these sites.

This website, in accordance with its purpose, uses Amazon affiliate links.

This means that you will find product links from Amazon that you can access directly from our website, but the purchase will be made on Amazon under its own terms and conditions at that moment.


As the website owner, Nickson R informs you that she is not responsible for:


This website complies with current data protection regulations, which means that, as a user, you must give your explicit consent before providing us with personal data through the various forms available on our website.

To ensure transparency and the exercise of your rights, our duty is to inform you about the personal data we collect, store, and process and for what purposes, always allowing you to revoke your consent at any time.

All this information can be found in our Privacy Policy.

As we informed you when you first accessed our website, this site uses first-party and third-party cookies to provide you with the best user experience and to develop our activity.

At any time, you have the option to configure your browser to reject the use of these cookies, which may, in some cases, affect your user experience.

To access complete information about the use of cookies on this website, their purpose, and how to reject them, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


This Legal Notice is subject to current Spanish law.

If necessary, in the event of any legal controversy, Nickson R and the user agree to submit to the courts of the user’s place of residence, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction.

If the user resides outside Spain, both parties will submit, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the courts of Madrid (Spain).

If you have any questions about this Legal Notice, you can contact us by sending an email to

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